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he knows what a cock ring is! he was expressing confusion at giving you one :D




good grief


SEE!!! this is how innocent I am!


even though I am a sexual being, as we all are, I never think of these things!

I just think people think like I do  :D :D :D


I live in Wyoming! the gun law are very lax out here! we have more guns around than people to shoot them


Amen to THAT!

most criminal activity involving guns happens where the gun laws are MORE strict!


I know, I was ASTOUNDED he called


I thought it was okay and then BAM

he hits me with an angry call


should I tell my cop friend that he called??


Might as well


Amen to THAT!

most criminal activity involving guns happens where the gun laws are MORE strict!

yup. strict gun laws are a disaster, do they really think they stop criminals from being armed lol no. they have black market guns. what it does is make a bunch of soft targets for them

yup. strict gun laws are a disaster, do they really think they stop criminals from being armed lol no. they have black market guns. what it does is make a bunch of soft targets for them


Ghost pepper pepper spray

I created some and it works wonders


Although the strength is highly potent




p.s. congrats on rank up



Ah yes, thank you.  :)


Well it makes me wonder if some girl on OKC might someday pull a gun out on me of course over a misunderstanding.  </3


yup. strict gun laws are a disaster, do they really think they stop criminals from being armed lol no. they have black market guns. what it does is make a bunch of soft targets for them




GUESS WHAT! criminals are criminals for a reason... they don't follow the fucking LAWS PEOPLE


SIMPLE LOGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Ah yes, thank you.  :)


Well it makes me wonder if some girl on OKC might someday pull a gun out on me of course over a misunderstanding.  </3


maybe that fear will keep your ass in check zeni


EXACTLY!!! THIS!!!!!!!!!!


just because I have anxiety and want to be able to protect myself and my house doesn't mean I'm going to go around misusing a firearm!


I have taken the course, I know proper firearm control, I know to leave the first chamber empty (in revolvers, which I prefer)

and I know that you should to maim, not to kill!


I don't want to kill someone, just defend myself if I need to!


It makes infinitely more sense to take away the gun rights of men with a history of violence and harassment against women. That's who shouldn't have guns because that's who almost always does terrible shit with guns, not women with anxiety who want a gun for self defense.


yeah. that'd do the trick too! :)


Had a buddy who is immuned to pepper spray

Tried it out on him and it works way to well


Miss the eyes? Will feel like someone lit your face on fire

Got the eyes? Go to the hospital now!


That's pretty much how he described it to me


fuck yeah. that sounds like the stuff they use for bears around here


It's perfect until I used it in cedar point during hallow weekend

Guy decided to touch scare me and​ I maced him with a 100% concentrate ghost pepper


Manager of the park was pissed however he was more angry knowing his own employee touched someone


It's perfect until I used it in cedar point during hallow weekend

Guy decided to touch scare me and​ I maced him with a 100% concentrate ghost pepper


Manager of the park was pissed however he was more angry knowing his own employee touched someone


I've been to Cedar Point for their October nights... I can't believe you maced an employee for trying to scare you.


It makes infinitely more sense to take away the gun rights of men with a history of violence and harassment against women. That's who shouldn't have guns because that's who almost always does terrible shit with guns, not women with anxiety who want a gun for self defense.


you're right!

women are usually only ever the victims of gun violence :(


I've been to Cedar Point for their October nights... I can't believe you maced an employee for trying to scare you.


I read their contract and you cannot touch no one even if you are falling

I also found out later that night it was an old friend who owed me a lot of money so the fact I got him with serve pain I considered the debt settled


Had a buddy who is immuned to pepper spray

Tried it out on him and it works way to well


Miss the eyes? Will feel like someone lit your face on fire

Got the eyes? Go to the hospital now!


That's pretty much how he described it to me


and you said you MADE this?!





and you said you MADE this?!





I grew the plants and from there tried to create an extract but found out the seeds are what holds the heat


I grew the plants and from there tried to create an extract but found out the seeds are what holds the heat


you should create them, patent them, and sell them!

I would buy one!


in fact let me know if you are going to start, because I would invest!


No problem! just be careful. don't let her get hurt and don't let her hurt anyone not intended


of course!

I will treat her with the utmost care!!


she shall do the good bidding and be returned in safe keeping!!


God damn are all girls this forgiving?


I'm scared to even introduce myself for fear of getting a restraining order.


Tell him to fuck off and if he doesn't get the police involved.


If he's still persistent I'd look into getting a gun. Like, seriously.


I would contact your SP friend and inform him of the phone call. Document everything and ask him for copies of any reports he makes out. If you have to, get a restraining order.

I would definitely talk to your police buddy and ask him about getting a CCW and training with whatever you buy. I would personally recommend a Glock .40, they are reliable, comfortable and they will stop someone with one shot. You might want to ask your boss if he can have someone else in the store with you at opening or  closing, so you aren't as vulnerable.


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