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I should be on the road, hopefully only 2 or 3 hours away from where I am moving to <3


I still have a fuckton of things to do :(


Hopefully you are moving to a place with no internet.


Actually, Mr. Scientist, scientific studies have proved that many people work better and more efficiently under the influence of alcohol because, for them, it removes critical panic stimuli that would alter performance... "Mr. Scientist".


the truck will get a flat

and your friends will be to hungover to help


If one of the rear tires goes flat, fuck it. Dually lyf. Also it's a U-Haul so I'm insured.


And hangovers? I've never had one. The friends... well they don't get hangovers often, if ever...


Well, you're the only one that is adamant about me being gone... so you must be afraid of me. :fap:


You constantly babble about assumptions and THAT is the conclusion you came to? No. No one is scared of you. Without your mod powers, you are nothing.


Actually, Mr. Scientist, scientific studies have proved that many people work better and more efficiently under the influence of alcohol because, for them, it removes critical panic stimuli that would alter performance... "Mr. Scientist".


Show me prove on that; you fat autistic ugly useless piece of shit...


No, that is yours. You assume.


Considering you try to make up facts about my personal life that are incorrect, therefore assumptions, you are the one who is known by more than myself to assume.


If one of the rear tires goes flat, fuck it. Dually lyf. Also it's a U-Haul so I'm insured.


And hangovers? I've never had one. The friends... well they don't get hangovers often, if ever...


That and I wasn't planning to stay up all night and get utterly shit faced, I want us to leave as early Saturday morning as possible.

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