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I just got a positive on this do it yourself drug test from walmart... To sum it up I applied for this cable disconnect position after being jerked around and thrown here and there working for a convenience store chain that doesnt drug test, and I got a call back the next day unexpectedly from

a guy who  went over all the things I need to do and sent me paperwork via email for the hiring process. When I applied I knew there would be a screen

but I wrongfully assumed Id have time to get clean since I dont smoke  :420: between jobs, or daily..and I was clean for like 3 months before working at the convenience store. I got lucky when he scheduled the first test that it was good friday as theres only one clinic that qualifies for the screen where I live.. (It's the Ecup so im not sure why it really matters ) anyway that gave me a whole 4 days more to get clean. I'm still not clean. 

I'm boned.  ::D::


I think - but do some research. because I'm not sure - that Tagamet, zantac, or prilosec (or maybe one of the other PPI's) has been implicated in false positives for pot in UDS's.


Well It's been AT LEAST since last wednessday that I smoked, and that was just a few resin hits at that. I'ved never

used a cheapdo it yourself drug test before and I SHOULDN'T be THAT saturated with THC..but I bought the damn

test kind of to reassure myself to go into the clinic and get this over with..


I drank all of an omni cleansing liquid I had stashed for emergencies days ago thinking it might actually help flush..

which I know was stupid because if anything that only gave me a narrow hourly window of having thc free urine..

or under the 50 ng/ml threshold.. I know how the test works, I may see if I can get some more things to flush my

system with but I've been drinking excess water for at least FOUR days... dairetics... all stuff trhats not quarnteed

to work anyway, but damn... I still didn't beat the 50 ng/ml threshhold???


AM I getting that old like wtf metabolismn?!?!?!  I may have gained a few pounds but dang.. I have failed..  :(


I have to either go in tomorrow to that clinic and get this done (most likely fail) OR buy myself some more time with

an ingenius excuse. There is option C... Use something to flush my system I havent tried yet.

(I'm open to suggestions) but please no bleach or shit I know is just too dangerous and/or ineffective..

even though it may bring you joy to see me kill myself:|




You could get "clean" in 24hrs if its only urine test

I've kind of been scouring the internet for ideas...  I shouldve ordered this Quick Fix or one of the more

expensive cleaners online and had it expidited I guess.. Seems a lot of people that clearly do not even know how

thc brecks down in the human body have had success with a few brands.. So how do you purpose I get clean in 24

hrs? I only have 18 hrs anyway. and that'd be cutting it REALLY close to the deadline I was given.


I think - but do some research. because I'm not sure - that Tagamet, zantac, or prilosec (or maybe one of the other PPI's) has been implicated in false positives for pot in UDS's.


pulling the old false positive didn't go over very well last time I did it, and that was the only drug test Ive failed

in 12 yrs of being a pothead..or enthusiust rather.. though I might do it more if I wasnt always worried about my

urine getting violated.  >:(

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