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i feel like being an insomniac block makes it hard to keep viewers on board

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hard to enjoy toonami when you can barely keep yourself awake to watch the whole block


it's easy enough to see stuff like family guy king of the hill  the cleveland show or bob's burgers that stuff's everywhere now....so you don't need adult swim to watch it


however anime is restricted to toonami on television(aside from kids anime like Yokai Watch Pokemon And Beyblade On Disney xD)and so the insomniac block is just your only option


a option that ends with most of us feeling drained and exhausted.....watching anime shouldn't require you to drink loads of coffee just to get through the block


Saturday nights on CN have been like this for the past fifteen years, yes even including "SVES", kiddy BS but still primarily anime. I mean this isn't news, it's always been hard to stay up for the entire block lol, especially if you spent your Saturday watching TV or playing games, you're exhausted even by midnight. The only difference now is that, unlike five plus years ago, Toonami is just about the last place you can possibly watch anime on cable TV.


Saturday nights on CN have been like this for the past fifteen years, yes even including "SVES", kiddy BS but still primarily anime. I mean this isn't news, it's always been hard to stay up for the entire block lol, especially if you spent your Saturday watching TV or playing games, you're exhausted even by midnight. The only difference now is that, unlike five plus years ago, Toonami is just about the last place you can possibly watch anime on cable TV.

and that makes it worse....the only place for anime on tv and you need to stock up on caffeine to view it


i feel like ratings shouldn't really matter so much when your core audience is gonna be asleep before the block even concludes



how many of the viewers even stick around for the entire block and how many are just desperately clinging to the waking world trying so hard not to pass out?


adult swim's original content has failed over the last few years and they have become more known for their spammage of fox animated reruns so at this rate i think toonami is the best thing adult swim has and it's just one night out of the week


while the cleveland show gets more air time....the cleveland show the only macfarlane series to get canned and never return


Ideally Toonami would be back on weekdays, although it'd be a trade-off with the blood and language content removed, but the fools who run Cartoon Network nowadays think Gumball and Teen Titans Go would get better ratings.



The hilarious thing is that if just DB Super and Samurai Jack aired at 4 and 4:30 on CN, not even talking about the rest of the Toonami block, those two series alone would probably be smash hits with the kids because they're sick of these tryhard comedy toons that CN has been trying to push across those timeslots for the past decade plus.


One Piece would have done a lot better had they made it a weekday prime time series


there's enough episodes in the series to really do that for awhile


the pacing of some of these shows really don't go well with a once a week format especially in the middle of the night on saturday


Yeah One Piece would have been a massive hit, even in its 4Kids form. The CN execs have known this for years I'm sure and have just made a conscious effort to move those timeslots in a more comedy-driven direction.


it pisses me off to know that one piece got cut because adult swim has unrealistic expectations for The 1:30 AM Time slot and anyone who thinks "Oh it was doing too poorly to continue"....No Shit ! it was 1:30 AM  there's no question the ratings were crap  but by that point i don't think even DB Super Could salvage that time slot it's a dead zone


most people will decide to go to sleep instead of staying up to 1:30 AM


the toonami block itself is just too much of an exhausting marathon to forsake sleep for




For one thing, I just can't pay enough attention at 3:00A to get through GiTS. Thankfully, the DVR my family recently got totally nukes that problem from orbit. :)


If anyone else has the same problem, I know what to do.

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