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Apartment hunting

Odd Man Rush

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Not for me, although I do want to move...to New Mexico but it's for my soon to be ex-neighbor. Tonight I found out that he's getting kicked out. I wouldn't normally post something like this except that this particular neighbor was the one helped me get my apartment in the first place so things are going to be weird for a minute. It's just amazing that after I moved in things just started going downhill for him. I feel bad for him but to be honest a lot of the shit that has happened has been his own doing. And now he's asking me if he could crash at my place for a few weeks until he can find something. I honestly don't want him around because is putting me in a very awkward position and plus I know that dealing with him that a week can turn into a few months then a few years and I just don't have the patience. This is a guy that will try your patience. My landlord doesn't like to put anyone out on the street. This is only the second time he's had to actually evict someone since he became the landlord and that to me is very telling that things between the two of them really went south. I would say that I'm surprised but I'm not because he's been living recklessly for far too long and it finally caught up with him. So now here I am sitting here late a night looking for apartments online and pondering on whether or not I should let him crash with me for a week. That idiot had a good thing going and he managed to fuck it up because he won't grow the fuck up. 

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Man, I know how it is trying to help someone better themselves but this is just going to end with you having to be a dick and put him out....not to mention it makes shit fucked with you and the landlord.

Life gives you fucked up situations like this from time to time because there is no way you wanna turn your back on the guy who helped you get the place, but you don't wanna wind up homeless with him trying to fix his mistakes.

If you're gonna be a sucker, at least do it for a chick who is dtf

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