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So my retail job that I was still trying to work at on the side has been calling me, but it's always at stupid times.. Like when I was low crawling through a narrow 100 degree attic earlier looking for splitters and cable entry points. I said fuck that and hit ingore you blame me? I'm off tomorrow, but  tomorrow is when I was going in to work over there. I don't wanna. I feel like I should call my manager back tomorrow and at least tell them I gotta quit so they stop calling me..

I don't want to talk to fucking anyone though I just want one day to fucking do my own shit you know.. I just got done with my cable job like 30 mins ago because this old lady said I don't care if it's midnight I'll be here I want someone to come help me..

So her issue was that she couldn't get the new modem that was sent to her to connect to her pc and her grandson, and supposedly some other friend or family member 'that works at google' couldn't figure it out for her.. Her old pc just didn't have a network  adapter and needed to be hardlined to the modem. She had the ethernet going from the pc to her router, and not plugged into the modem at all.



^I mean you don't know how relieved I was it wasn't a no connection issue and the garbage truck cut their aeiral drop...or the dog chewed their house wrap so I have to a run a new one on the last appointment of the day with 30 mins daylight..  :|

but I mean come on.. How many customers does it take to put an ethernet cable the right way by themselves. 😩

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