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there's a Star vs. Fan theory(Star vs. the forces of evil spoilers)

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that Marco Diaz is a transgender girl


before you get all anti-sjw on me.....there is a laaaarge ammount of jokes and subtext implying it, including(pics shamelessly stolen from a tumblr blog I found focused on this very subject)



He reeeeally enjoyed being "Princess Marco" once the inital embarassment wore off, he even began reffering to himself as a girl and asked Star if he could keep he Dress(side note but he also looks adorable as princess Marco)


Glossaryk and numerous other characters call him a girl frequently, and he's stopped correcting them overtime



he hides his chest when wrapping his body in a towel after a shower, and has recently been confirmed to hate the sight of his own reflection when naked, sits to pee dispite being "male"(same ep as the confirmation that he hates his body)


was horrified that he was buried in a man's suit in a nightmare he had in one episode....not that he was dead mind you but that he was buried  a suit


said he'd love to be queen in the episode where Star was freaking out about becoming a queen


the show often draws attention to Gender needlessly


the morals of several of season 2's ep's are....shall we say, very veiled refferences to disphoria, such as the slumber party episode where the end moral was "what you think about yourself can change",  that episode with the talking dog wanting to be a normal dog, or the spider in a top hat episode where the plot was a character wanting to be something "different then what they were", then realizing they always were that thing all along



basically if this fan theory is True, Star vs. is about equal to Steven Universe in terms of LGBT inclusion



also the Slumber party episode confirmed that Star's fangirl is a lesbian so **snap** :|




No there isn't.  That blog is such a load of SJW pandering bullshit that it oughta be banned from the internet.


you're just upset because Daron Nefcy isn't the anti-sjw Princess you for some reason wanted to believe she was


No, because the show is funny and I watch it to get away from that bullshit, so the fandom that wants to drag that in is terrible.  Star's humor is reminiscent of Rocko at points, which is an immense compliment.  Do not ruin that with non-existent subtext.


Also, the last episode was literally about a demon curse telling people Marco's deepest insecurities.  He didn't say a damn thing about being transgender, so guess what?  Theory debunked.


No, because the show is funny and I watch it to get away from that bullshit, so the fandom that wants to drag that in is terrible.  Star's humor is reminiscent of Rocko at points, which is an immense compliment.  Do not ruin that with non-existent subtext.


Also, the last episode was literally about a demon curse telling people Marco's deepest insecurities.  He didn't say a damn thing about being transgender, so guess what?  Theory debunked.


look I know Marco isn't trans but believing that not everyone hates me for being gay is the only thing that keeps me from committing suicide so please let me have this

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