nameraka Posted April 26, 2020 Posted April 26, 2020 boring works of literature that would be greatly improved with the addition of zombies moby dick with zombies: the intrepid crew of the pequod mostly sit around and list the ship's supplies whilst hunting the elusive and somehow incredibly boring white whale. then they start turning into zombies. the sun also rises and sometimes... zombies: a bunch of whiney rich expats traipse around europe moaning about their first world problems until... zombies. finnegan's wake: whatever the fuck is happening in this book is because of... zombies. 1 1
Gina Szanboti Posted April 26, 2020 Posted April 26, 2020 Clan of the Cave Zombies -- frozen corpses of Cro-Magnon hunters come back from the dead after an early spring thaw, and attack a tribe of peaceful Neanderthal who happen to be sheltering a young Cro-Magnon girl. She tames a horse to ride for help, and invents the slingshot to fend off the undead hordes. And probably agriculture too, because unfrozen zombies are slow-walkers, so she had some time on her hands. 1
Gina Szanboti Posted April 26, 2020 Posted April 26, 2020 (edited) Romeo and Juliet -- young lovers kept apart by a family feud scheme to fake their deaths but botch the job and die. Juliet sees Romeo dead on his slab and kills herself for reals. Romeo rises from the dead, sees Juliet dead and kills himself again. Juliet rises from the dead, sees Romeo still dead, kills herself. Romeo rises, sees he's missed Juliet, kills self. Juliet rises, sees Romeo dead again, arrghs in incoherent frustration, kills self. Repeat for three acts, until they finally sync up their deaths and go shambling off together in search of braaaaainsssss. Epilogue: Tybalt rises from the dead and wonders where everybody went. Edited April 26, 2020 by Gina Szanboti 4
Chapinator_X Posted April 28, 2020 Posted April 28, 2020 The Old Man and the Sea with Zombies: An old fisherman named Santiago is going out to catch a marlin after months of missing out on a fresh catch. But then, sharks start to swarm his boat and pick apart pieces of the marlin. This would already be bad enough, but then there are zombies in the water. Not only must Santiago fight against sharks, but also zombies and, eventually, zombie sharks as they attempt to raid his boat and take both him and the marlin down with them.
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