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How the internet is killing romance and love

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Since the invention of self focused social web pages and hidden private messages, the romance game has taken a fatal crtical hit. (Not just in romance department but thats another article).

The dating apps and websites that came along with social media is also killing love.

Before them, your romantic pics were limited to the people you csme across during your daily life....most romances occured from people who met in school or at work.

 But now you literally have access to billions of potential mates. Humankind has never had this opportunity in its entire existence and its making true love a feat of the imagination. 

Here's why:

1. People (mostly men) don't focus on one person at a time. They talk to multiple people not putting in the time to really get to know people. Self focused social media also makes people less interested in others on a deeper level because they are so focused on their own experiences and feelings, its THAT much harder to be tuned into someone else. If you don't message back soon enough or too often, be guaranteed they are talking to others.

2. You usually meet your life partner i  your 20s. IN THE PAST. These days 20 years olds all just want hookups and arent interested in seriously dating. They have an unlimited supply and access to sex and they are taking advantage of it.  Because of porn, they dont know how to have deep meaningful sex so the sex they have isnt very good or satisfying...just leading to them having more low quality sex with more people who they are not even trying to get to know.

3. People ghost you or call you a drama queen or crazy if you try to talk to them in any deep meaningful way. Most convos we have people are too busy trying to be funny or cool rather than make deep lasting connections. Focus on themselves, they are less likely to care about the human experience of others.

4. Focused on self, people have become extremely un self aware and develop a lot of weird insane quirks. Caught up in their own echo chambers, immediately ghosting anyone who criticizes them instead of adjusting their weird behaviours, a lot of people are virtually undateable. Heres some examples:

1.a woman who forced a fellow actor she was interested in to pretend to be his character when they had sex. His character was Tiny Tim.

2. A woman who while eating bbq on a date kept using her phone...with bbq fingers...smearing bbq all over her phone without wiping her hands

3. A man so obsessed with his pet gerbil he bought the gerbil on his date with him hiding the gerbil in his pocket his excuse being that his gerbil wasnt feeling welll

I could go on for days. People are just so wrapped up in themselves they fail on levels of being able to connect to others in a healthy way or socialize.

4. A lot of us are products of broken homes if not downright abuse and have no idea what it means to love someone. They dont know how to love unconditionally while supporting and helping the other person become their best selves. As soon as something gets hard or difficult..they quit and find a new partner amongst many of the other people in their private messages or on their dating app.

5. People have sex focused meet ups then dont want to do the work to really get to know the person or have no interest in anything other than sex believing or expecting a sexual partner to be awesome enough to make them want to become more serious....but then they do this while never stopping having sex with others.

6. Instant gratification from electronics makes spending time with people boring as hell. People rather be on their phone or watching netflix than take the time to get to know someone

(Im guilty of some of these. Im not innocent)

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