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Thinking of getting a degree in horticulture.


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 I've been trying to narrow down my interests and devote my time to one very marketable field..Aside from technology, and wildlife biology I think that's it.. I really didn't even consider GOiNG TO SCHOOL for horticulture until just recently with the legilized marijuana boom, but even if I can't get a job working with cannabis the material would still interest me more than enough that it wouldn't be painful..

One of my coworkers almost has his masters in soil chemistry, and he's supposedly been hired to work in oregan taking soil samples for a legal marijuana farm of some kind and it got me thinking about it. I really just don't want to wast any money on a degree I'm not 100% sure I can find a job doing after obtaining it is why I brought that up. According to this guy it's almost impossible to find a job as a wildlife biologist, and even then just in a handful of locations.. 

I need to do so much reseach and soul searching before I continue with anything other than finishing up my basics. :(

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At any rate my first course of action is going to be finishing up my basics, and an associates so I still need to figure out if the one I started is going to be practical at all. I'm about a semester away from finishing up my basics, and having an associates in apllied science for UAV operation, but I have to get my Private Pilots licence on my own to satisy the requirements and the VA was VERY iffy on telling me for sure if they would be able to pay for that so.. I've been kind of stuck for the last few years..

That's why I ended up working at a factory tossing boxes at this point..I just made this thread for advice since I know a lot of you are further along your college studies than me. 

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I went back to school 26, I have an associates now. I can tell you that going back I was well aware of the opportunities I had, and definitely didn't take my time there for granted. I have a degree in a major that doesn't guarantee jobs either, which is History. But it's still something more on my resume that I had without going to school. I also have immense pride in knowing that I finished and accomplished something. I'm moving further though to earn a bachelors, so I'm not looking for career at the moment. But I know I can use the skills I earned from going back to school, like better writing and communication to improve further in interviews and networking. Colleges themselves also have services on campus that can connect you to careers directly, and those services are usually open to students only. Plus you might meet fellow students and staff who also have connections to careers. But to be honest, it's only worth it if you want it.

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That's why it's hard for me to plan this shit out.. English, and writing are and have always been my strengths, and I'm almost certain that 80-90 percent of college SAT words are still firmly ingrained in my vocabulary from High school.. 

The only college classes where I've learned ANYTHING so far have been tech related. I enjoyed my creative writing class, but honestly the teacher even seemed a bit.. I don't know she was a novelist, but my AP high school english class put me through more of a challenge than that class.. This bitches students didn't even try from the papers I read though so I feel for her..

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4 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

That's why it's hard for me to plan this shit out.. English, and writing are and have always been my strengths, and I'm almost certain that 80-90 percent of college SAT words are still firmly ingrained in my vocabulary from High school.. 

The only college classes where I've learned ANYTHING so far have been tech related. I enjoyed my creative writing class, but honestly the teacher even seemed a bit.. I don't know she was a novelist, but my AP high school english class put me through more of a challenge than that class.. This bitches students didn't even try from the papers I read though so I feel for her..

Not everyone is good at writing. But idk, like I said, if you want to to pass college for yourself, to have that accomplishment then I think it is worth it. When you work hard for something, it feels better when you achieve it.

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23 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

I don't feel like it would be right for me to waste money.. Even the VA's which is probably tax payers money at least partially for a boost in my self esteem.. It also seems like it'd be going way out of the way when I can just beat someone down on smash bros for a morale booster..

I'm a socialist, and believe tax dollars should be used more to better society. There is more than one benefit than just self esteem, I'm just saying you won't be sucessful without it. Or have motivation to push through the hard times of college. Anyways, government money gets used for a number of stupid things, but school isn't one of them, no matter the degree. Because when you get a degree, you also have to take classes beyond your major, and peak inside the different facets of that build our society. I truly think college is one of the many places that introduces you to different perspectives other than your own.

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I was half joking with that last post. my math and algebra skills are what need work.. At one point I was almost signed up for a degree in video game programming, but they saw I lacked a lot of higher algebra classes and tried to make me switch it to a basic computer tech degree.. That was before I had completely decided if I was going to fly UAVs in the army or not back in high school..

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16 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

I was half joking with that last post. my math and algebra skills are what need work.. At one point I was almost signed up for a degree in video game programming, but they saw I lacked a lot of higher algebra classes and tried to make me switch it to a basic computer tech degree.. That was before I had completely decided if I was going to fly UAVs in the army or not back in high school..

lol it's alright, I'm not fully awake. I hadn't been good in Math for years. I certainly didn't need to go beyond Statistics in History, but I'm taking my 2nd pre calculus class right now. I took them really seriously, and I attend our campus math lab frequently just because I really want to do well. I'm considering a tech minor as a back up to my degree. But everyone is different in their pursuits. 

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