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13 minutes ago, Mini_Ghost said:

I like this beat. you could do like an old wild west thing with the lyrics

I have a lot of beats peddled to me where I could do a wild west angle.. this, I get how you feel that way.. It's just the WEST part.

Aside from the guitar, and the.. that thing you shake to add to the percussive background to music..

jeeze just kill me. I don't even deserve to be called 'a piece of work' for not being able to name that...


anyway this what I'm getting at.. https://soundcloud.com/sobmusic-1/rattlesnake-blues-15-lease-150-exclusive

You want a wild west vibe lol.. This guy even uses stick figure art for his submissions so it always reminds me of west of loathing when I listen to this. 

If I pay him for the beat I can rap to it, but much to my dismay, he's renting this out and even selling the rights for a couple hundred.. As someone tht's done this for awhile I have to have a whole song pretty much planned out before I do something like that.. which is hard without being able to get the actual wav file into your DAW..

ya know. tldr; 

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
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I would write for it, and I could probably get it done farily quickly.. This guy wans money for his work though, and it's only fair. That's why I honestly tried a go fund me for myself because unless you incite drunken idiots to your cause you don't make much as an expirimental rapper/ digital music artist or however else you can beef up what I do..


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With all that out there..I had to provide an example of actual soundcloud rappers just leave me alone..

With all these Wezzy looking clones getting some light I dunno Takeshi69 or however you spell that garbage..

I'm not a BIG fan of how soundcloud runs it's site, but that clown and men like him need padded rooms..

The site WAS designed to be a way to break the ice between fellow musicians, and help them reach their fans. (and A LOT of people still use it that way) 

The whole "soundcloud rapper" phrase gets on my nerves. Any real musician knows soundcloud is WORSE than youtube for promoting dumbass content, but that's how the site gets paid...

Anyway.. I think I need to get high after thinking about the bullshit. 




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