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two days smoke-free


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all thanks to this stubborn-ass cold/bronchitis/whatever bullshit i've been dealing with for the last week. i was on vacation all last week from the bank, and had plans to get a bunch of shit done with the new beer garden we're just breaking ground on. nope. been hacking up shit and congested and feverish since LAST MONDAY and i'm still not over it. i was actually scheduled to go in tomorrow and get on chantix to try quitting, but with the rough shit this illness has put me through, i finally just gave it up on my own. smoked the last cigarette of a pack that had already last me about 5 days (i was about a 3/4 pack a day smoker) on sunday, and i told myself that was it. 

so it's been officially 48 hours since the last time i lit up, and i'm actually pretty good with that as of right now. by day 5, the insomnia is usually kicking my ass and the cravings ramp up, and that's about when i usually fail and go back to smoking. i figure, if i can make it for two weeks, i'll be in the clear. if i can't, there's always that chantix rx waiting for me... 

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2 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

1) no

2) hell no

3) why give up one form of backy for another?

I'm joking, mostly. Vaping is a less harmful alternative. You'll no longer have to deal with tar and the magical smell Packard believes doesn't exist.

Then again, I am a former smoker who doesn't even vape. If you want to quit completely, more power to you. All I'm saying is that if just don't want to quit smoking, just vape. Your lungs will thank you.

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1 hour ago, bnmjy said:

I'm joking, mostly. Vaping is a less harmful alternative. You'll no longer have to deal with tar and the magical smell Packard believes doesn't exist.

Then again, I am a former smoker who doesn't even vape. If you want to quit completely, more power to you. All I'm saying is that if just don't want to quit smoking, just vape. Your lungs will thank you.

Vaping hasn't been a thing long enough to make this assertion.....Modern forms have less than 20 years of feedback.....I quit 4 years ago and replaced it with vaping....While I don't miss the smell, my lung function has continued to deteriorate and the long term effects are still a mystery.  So far the lack of odor and compliant indoor vaping places are the only noticeable pluses.....We might find out this shit causes AIDScancer.

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14 hours ago, mthor said:

10 days, and the nicotine will be out of your system. Good luck!:D

i'm doing a lot better with it than i expected. probably because i'm still puny with the bronchitis, but if that's what it takes, :thumbsup:

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so i'm up to four days now. still going strong, not having any horrible cravings or getting aggressive or any of that shit. but things are getting weird. i don't know if i'm still sick and these odd side effects are from that, or if my body is starting to get pissed from the lack of nicotine. just this afternoon, i'm getting some weird sensations. the very top of my head feels tingly and numb, and also maybe like a bit of pressure. but no pain, no headaches or neck / shoulder pain. tops of my shoulders feel the same cool/tingling sensation as well. my hearing is also affected, like a dull ringing. also (this one is really odd), my top and bottom sphincters both feel like they're raw (bar har), but also kinda numb. uncomfortable, but again not painful. kinda like, it feels like someone else's tongue is inside my mouth. and it feels like my lips are about 2x their normal size, but they're not. i did have some hot pepper jerky yesterday as a snack, so that may explain the tingly star, but this seems quite a bit different than how that normally feels.

i've been sleeping with the help of benadryl and nyquil, but it takes like 3-4 hours to kick in and then i'm cranky AF in the mornings. i'm gonna try a different approach tonight, and drink a few heavy beers to see if that can knock me out without another sleep aid. 

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