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if materialistic statements had deep spiritual meaning...

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you could declare the universe is a certain way, and you see it with a righteous eye,

if you could say you were zen, or going to be saved by jesus, or waiting for a messiah, or witnessing evolution...,

if you were to say that you practice values of a deeper level in everyday life,

without exhibiting the kind of meditation or worship of the universe it takes to regard those morals,

does it become a common occurrence to say we are better than we really are in life?  or are we supposed to be ok with that kind of cliche?

is it okay to be fucked up but in-tune?  or, are we required to transcend into a godly reality of our mortal being?

maybe it doesnt matter who is righteous, or maybe we already are righteous.


but if it was as easy as materialistic statements, like wearing a crucifix, or owning a Buddha statue, life sure would be easy to achieve zen.

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