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when it does finally decide to continuously snow and pile up, lemme know what you think about your purchase.


i found mine was a waste mostly. unless i could stay on top of it like every 5 hours or so, the stuff that collected and hardened to near ice underneath was still better taken care of with a shovel.


when it does finally decide to continuously snow and pile up, lemme know what you think about your purchase.


i found mine was a waste mostly. unless i could stay on top of it like every 5 hours or so, the stuff that collected and hardened to near ice underneath was still better taken care of with a shovel.




Exact same one I bought from work

Paid a bit less thanks to my holiday bonus >_>


woah.... even if you paid a bit less... O_O


mine was only 380 something after sale price with tax, its a craftsman something or another >.>

it does alright until the lake effect snow comes in strong. a few days of constant snow like that and the wet heavy stuff just compacts enough and hardens so that the blower simply rolls over it. still use it sometimes, but i find that in the thick of it, my shoveling still does it best. the downside is feeling like i took a tumble down 500 stairs after and can't feel my extremities. 


We had an ice snow mix but durring the system we had a total of 10" of snow

That brute went through everything including the ice chopped it to bits


Thing weighed more than expected


We had an ice snow mix but durring the system we had a total of 10" of snow

That brute went through everything including the ice chopped it to bits


Thing weighed more than expected


:o... i guess throwing down the ducats was well worth it


when it does finally decide to continuously snow and pile up, lemme know what you think about your purchase.


i found mine was a waste mostly. unless i could stay on top of it like every 5 hours or so, the stuff that collected and hardened to near ice underneath was still better taken care of with a shovel.

Heres a trick

Do not drive over the snow.  When you do you just compact it and create ice-pack that is tough to get rid of.


if you do get ice then the best way to do it is blow all the snow you can, then throw a bunch of icemelt down.  Let that work for a few hours, then throw some more down. At that point it usually makes it really brittle and fairly easy to scoop up with a flat-head shovel.


Heres a trick

Do not drive over the snow.  When you do you just compact it and create ice-pack that is tough to get rid of.


if you do get ice then the best way to do it is blow all the snow you can, then throw a bunch of icemelt down.  Let that work for a few hours, then throw some more down. At that point it usually makes it really brittle and fairly easy to scoop up with a flat-head shovel.


now thats something I don't have issues with

my brute eats that stuff up with no issues


then again with a 27" width and a 23 intake that does make a difference


now thats something I don't have issues with

my brute eats that stuff up with no issues


then again with a 27" width and a 23 intake that does make a difference

It was more a trick to avoid making ice under the snow than anything.


Once you drive over snow, its ice.  Its tougher to get rid of at that point.


Its not always light


It really depends on teh storm.  Sometimes its light and easy to deal with, othertimes its full of water and heavier. 


thought mountain effect didn't have any problems?


thought mountain effect didn't have any problems?

It all depends on where the snow comes from.


If we get an Albuquerque Low then the snow is full of water and really heavy.  If it just spills over the mountains it can be heavy or light.  If it comes from the north its usually pretty light.



We get all different types of snow, and you are never totally sure what  you are going to get.


huh so its true what they say isn't it?

the Mountains are your 4 seasons


They make the weather a total crapshot.  Its snowed in the middle of June before. 

They dominate everything about our weather.  Its nice, but sometimes it causes things to be crazy.

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