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This is called a Russian Boner.... Oops?

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It was supposed to be all training.... somebody fucked up.


Or maybe it was part of the training.


You never know with Russians.


They cray cray.


Yeah, they are working on the cover up already. They have the pilots video too though. It looked like it auto aimed, but I mean.... that should be like the 1st rule, right? Just like guns.... always assume shits loaded.


Yeah, they are working on the cover up already. They have the pilots video too though. It looked like it auto aimed, but I mean.... that should be like the 1st rule, right? Just like guns.... always assume shits loaded.


Eh, nobody got hurt.


Give the pilot his 10 lashings and demote him.


That wasn't an accident. That was an intentional.


Those people brought sammiches WITH THE WRONG MAYO.  >:( YOU WERE ALL WARNED!


Oh. Was it spicy mayo?


That stuff is horrendous.


It was VEGAN.


If you are ever constipated and don't care which end will unplug first, go for that vegan mayo.





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