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I guess it's just showing the cool stuff they have planned, which is FLCL 2/3 and the new TIE (Countdown), followed by a Q/A session. Though they haven't mentioned Cowboy Bebop's return yet. -_'


[777th post; SwimLucky]


I just discovered Dragon Con was this weekend, AND that toonami would have a panel there, AND that it will stream live, AND that it would be this week's Pre-Flight.  All after just going to adult swim's stream page, cold.  Didn't find any new information from it though.


Okay, ten minutes have passed and I'm getting nothing, Maybe they're not going live after all. :-\


EDIT: Nevermind, we have video.


Heh, just finally able to post in some of these frickin' folders.


The thing started late because there were feed issues on one of the screens and they had to keep fiddling with it to make sure things went through ok for everyone on both the visual and audio portion of things.


The only thing 'new' other than official pimping for FLCL2 and FLCL3 was they played the first episode of 'Countdown' . I don't think that was streamed [it wasn't supposed to be but the way some things went that weekend... :D ].


The swag handed out to the audience was a Tom and Sara t-shirt, a poster featuring various artists' renditions of Tom, and a DragonBall Supers beanie.


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