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MOVED: UE Pokemon battle thread

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Can't find that one thread I made months back because THE SEARCH STILL DOESN'T WORK


So tag anyone you know who plays Sun/Moon so we can spar each other and hopefully get a quick tournament going to crown the Pokemon Master of UnevenEdge.


All skill levels welcome (we all suck.)


Carl Johnson[/member] naraku360[/member] stilgar[/member] God-Says-No[/member] HardcoreHunter[/member]  Leon[/member] lupin_bebop[/member] blueraven1999[/member] monderraptorpat[/member] BUU8800[/member] Distortedreasoning[/member] mochi[/member] NSAID[/member] imchapp.in[/member]


Mods PLEASE do not move this to the Games folder, FFA is the only one that gets eyeballs.


All we need to do is share our friend codes and display names here and whip up a bracket and record the battles to upload so everyone can watch the clash of the titans. Be nice if we can do all that this week but this place moves slowly.

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