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yeah he knows he 's a true alpha male to... He's been so easy to work with since,

but I fear it's just because the lazy dog catcher practicly made me take him myself..

He just stood there and watched me lead this guy into a concrete holding cell...

The same one he was in when I practically forced this guy to give him back or

I was gonnna take extreme measures..  When he first came for my dog for this

whole situation I lead my dog out of the backyard, and trued to hand the leash

to him to put him in the back of the holding van, but this no comprende acting

motha fucker was scared, I saw it in his lazy eyes.. He saved me 20 bucks by

telling me it;d be cheaper to bring him mysekf,,  :D


Man I can;t onestly relate how I  feel though.  >:( :'( :catmad :robotmad


He saw my truck  was leaking an shit.  :D


He probably geniuly has a fear of aggresive male dogs for a reason


being the animal control guy.. but when my dogs got out a few times


all my neighbors say they are really nice and well behaved, but


he tried to tell me my dog was aggresive, and I'm a dog trainer..


I was like,  if you were a stranger and you tried to catch me and


stuff me in the back of a van I might hate you to.. very conflicted


over this shit.. If he didn't already almost get fucked up by my boy


I'm sure he would've gladly let me pay the extra fees.  :|


I say this because the tone in his voice when I tried to hand him my dog on a leash was so

fuckin scared.. I almost laughed... and it was hard not to be proud, but my man did fuck up..

I think he learned his lesson.  :D

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