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Episode 26: "Chance Appears in a Tight Spot! Launch a Counter-Attack, Goku!"



Opening 1 Version 2:



No flaming, trolling spamming, hating, etc.


I notice the site still has that glitch where it says that no one is online.

least likes and avatars are working again

Well, unfortunately, I won't be watching tonight. Cable is out. I guess I'll be heading to bed earlier than expected tonight. Maybe next week!


(Fuck Time Warner.)





.... WHAT IS GOING ON WITH CABLE SERVICES???  On twitter one user says his DirectTV service is crappy tonight! Now I hear TWC service is too??  It's fine for me!  What's going on??


Well, unfortunately, I won't be watching tonight. Cable is out. I guess I'll be heading to bed earlier than expected tonight. Maybe next week!


(Fuck Time Warner.)


Aww man. That sucks.


I've been pretty lucky with my cable recently.


flashbacks to much better looking animation ::]::


It looks to me like the flashbacks were taken from the original DBZ and not the cleaned-up Kai version.


My cable  is  showing issues too but it's only with the adult swim channel  >:(


Twitter is showing some people with this same problem.




..... what the hell...


Glad I'm not the only one


I thought it was a personal problem


My cable provider is  AT and T

probably not related  but Tumblr wouldn't let me embed videos in my posts yesterday

I wonder if we'll see a form (one day) beyond Super Saiyan Blue. 


Like, if Super Saiyan Blue is just a Super Saiyan version of Super Saiyan God, it stands to reason they could have a Super Saiyan Blue 2 and Super Saiyan Blue 3.


good old "i've been holding back, now I'll use my TRUE power" clichee S:


You never play your Trump Card from the start.  You need to hold that back until it's more theatrical to do so.


Not gonna lie. I almost didn't want to tune in tonight because of this problem.


1.) less people using cable.


2.) tonight a lot seem to be having clichy cable service.


3.) smoe of us are over at Discord.

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