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Dont buy a new one. Pay the out of warranty fee and save $100+ and plus get another warranty.


You did everything possible. I remember telling people not to plug theirs in a surge protector because one is already built in. Xboxes are just shit.


Saw your boyfriend mention this earlier today didn't know you still played at all, though.


I would say submit a repair/replacement request on the Xbox website and see if that does anything. May not be under warranty but you can likely get it replaced for cheaper directly from MS, like she said above.


Would also cycle through the simple and often skipped over solutions, as well. Like turn the system on and turn it back off immediately and hold down the power button manually until it's off. Then let it breathe for a couple minutes and try booting it up again. Likewise, there's also a method where you simply unplug the console entirely, let it sit for a few minutes, plug it back in, then start it via the eject button. You guys probably tried this already but if not, it's worth a shot. 


Well then it sounds like there's not much left to do but contact support, see if you can work anything out, and, if not, go get another one. If you do get two Xbox Ones I can show you guys how to share games between the two of you. I did it with my second Xbox One and gave it to my friend as a gift, but he can play all my games like he was on mine. It's super easy.


probably alright then! I'll let you know when/if i can repair it & we have 2. Or u could tell me now if it's not too complicated haha


Basically, once you have your two Xbox Ones, make sure the account with all the games and active membership is recovered from the first console to the second one. You will then enable Gold Sharing on this account. Then you add/recover your second account on the same console. Make this account sign in automatically every time (or just change to where no account is signed in when the console is turned on). You can now sign out of the first profile and recover it back to the first Xbox One. Normally, you would just never touch the first account on the second console, but between the two of you it's fine and you can just repeat the process whenever you get new games. Still, I'd say just leave account one on console two alone.


What this does is share all digital licenses from account one to account two (and by proxy any new accounts added after this is done). Likewise you can recover the second account on the first system and share its licenses with account one. Don't quote me on this next bit, but this should give the second account free Xbox Live, so long as the first account is being paid for.



TL;DR: Recover both accounts on both consoles, enable Gold Sharing, move accounts back to their original consoles, get all licenses on both systems so long as the other console's account is not signed into.


Interesting. How long has that worked? They've gotta be fixing it soon


Still working atm. That's how my friend has 90% of his games. Like I said, it's an oversight. Sharing Gold and Games on the same console is intentional. This loophole isn't but since the system does not update the recovered account that is lying dormant then it shares the games just the same.

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