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for the few of you who watched e3, was it good for you


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most disappointing e3 since 2013.

it was really bad.

sony dropped the ball completely, the switch only has two games i care about coming the rest of the year, bethesda shotgun rained themselves, and there were no new interesting ips except for ea.

the hype for this year was too much and it was a complete let down.

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I haven't watched the actual E3 broadcast in probably a decade. I just catch the trailers and roundups later. That being said, I didn't expect anything from this E3 and that's about what I got. Interested in seeing where Original Xbox compatibility goes, though.

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I haven't watched the actual E3 broadcast in probably a decade. I just catch the trailers and roundups later. That being said, I didn't expect anything from this E3 and that's about what I got. Interested in seeing where Original Xbox compatibility goes, though.

if i can play old xbox games online my xbone might not be so lonely anymore.

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I didn't get to watch it but I was informed that Sea of Thieves won't be coming out until early 2018 which is pretty disappointing

yeah, since scalebound's cancelation and rdr2's delay i was hoping i'd atleast get sea of thieves for the rest of year.

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