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It hurts to move but yes I can

I'm sure you have already iced it. Probably need to wrap it and see how it feels tommorow if it keeps on hurting probably gonna have to see a doctor or let it heal


I'm sure you have already iced it. Probably need to wrap it and see how it feels tommorow if it keeps on hurting probably gonna have to see a doctor or let it heal


I'm currently wearing my compression glove


Ice (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off), elevate, and the compression glove is a good idea. Oh, and rest (no  :fap:)


Please keep in mind that a fracture can only be ruled out by xray, and that advice on an anonymous cartoon message board is in no way equivalent to assessment and treatment by a live health care professional.


And please, please say that you filled out paperwork in case this turns into one of those unpleasant workman's comp things.

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