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It's more fun than I thought it would be. If you buy it on steam you can get updates and play online

That seems interesting. >_>


I'll have to borrow my gf's Steam account, it seems...


lol it does seem like it was made for him or something. The title made me lol so I had to check it out.


I was legit gonna make a joke reply saying, "Glad you like the game I recently made" but I got a minute into the video and was like...  whut


lolz. It's $14 on steam, but I'm not sure if I'd buy it. I don't normally by gimmicky steam games or anything but

this is decent for what it is. I just got a hold of a flamethrower a minute ago, but I died before I got to use it.

Bascally it's GTA with pokemon graphics, and no cars.  :|  It's just so much fun playing the diff characters. I like

to play the vampire myself. You can't use health items, but you can kill anybody by running up behind them

and draining their blood. You don't get caught on survielence cams either o_0

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