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  1. Honestly, as big of a Bleach fan as I am, I really didn't like this as much as I was hoping to. I read the oneshot a few years ago but I waited to see the anime for the continuation. I guess I was just expecting something that had the same kind of energy that Bleach has. This just feels like an entirely different thing, and it is, which isn't a bad thing but... I don't know, I didn't love it.
  2. I don't know how to feel about this.
  3. CN doesn't really want any Eastern shows on their main lineup anymore. They've been phasing it out for a while now. Nicktoons doesn't want it anymore either, so it's an easy pickup for Disney.
  4. I support with overpriced nonsense like this.
  5. I came into this thread to read about Bleach news. What the fuck was I thinking? It's a Ben thread.
  6. There are some pretty solid theories about that, but as of right now, no one knows for certain how they're going to explain how he's not dead.
  7. There are a whole bunch of things that don't make sense here: Why is that Zero mask washed up on the beach? Why is Suzaku dressed in his Knight of Seven outfit if he's supposed to be Zero? Suzaku is supposed to be officially dead. He has a gravestone and everything. Why is Shinkiro here? It got destroyed. Why has no one aged? Why is Jeremiah electrocuting himself? I guess that's Code Geass for ya.
  8. It's a show about terrorism.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEm1yzc5Brk
  10. Yalls just wanna complain. It looks just fine.
  11. That's nice and all, but he didn't have to end it so abruptly. If he wanted to end it for that kid, he could have at least tied up the loose ends first.
  12. I think you've confused the meaning of tragic with hilarious.
  13. Glad to see Kubo back on Twitter. I was sad when he left. I for one would very much like to see the anime return to not only finish up the story, but with Kubo's help, flesh things out that he wasn't able to.
  14. I remember adult swim moving the premieres to fucking 3 am.
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