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  1. I finished the OG Rurouni Kenshin filler episodes I've never seen before, after rewatching the first two seasons which I watched about 15 years ago. I honestly thought the filler was decent and unfairly maligned by the haters back in the day. I would say it it was better than Bleach filler...
  2. It's been 3000 years.... I haven't been this excited for a new anime in a decade. I really want to actually try to watch this one or at least buy it when it comes out.
  3. Aria the Natural 5-9 So peaceful.
  4. Over the past few months I have been rewatching the OG Rurouni Kenshin. I bought one of the last few copies of set 3 (the filler season) on Amazon and am starting that. It's bad, but it's Rurouni Kenshin I haven't seen before. Still enjoyable as background anime while doing other stuf...
  5. I watched the first season of the old anime and liked it well enough, but not enough to buy more seasons on blu ray. Always happy to see an unfinished show get (presumably) a full remake though!
  6. Just finished Digimon Tri movie 4. Biyomon is a turd...
  7. Recently finished Digimon Tri movies 2 and 3...Three was really, really good. My only complaint about this series is the constant bit about the digimon always being hungry and wanting snacks. That got old real fast.
  8. Aria the Natural 2 I enjoy this show but I can't watch more than 1 episode at a time...I guess that's probably how it's meant to be watched though, and not binged.
  9. Just finished rewatching Shadow Star Narutaru... I remembered this show being messed up but I had forgotten how messed up. Also rewatched Digimon Tri movie 1...looking forward to watching the whole thing now that I have the dubbed Blu Rays!
  10. I've got some stuff on pre-order and it may be the last stuff I ever buy from them. We'll see. I just hope I actually get it...
  11. He needs to stop trying to retire....he obviously wants to work until he is completely incapable of doing so and just needs to accept that LOL.
  12. I would suggest starting with either the movie trilogy based on the original series, Gundam 00, Gundam Wing, or Gundam SEED based on whether you prefer old school anime, our world timeline (?), 90's nostalgia, or Code Geass, respectively. Particularly with the original movie trilogy you can then branch out to the excellent smaller series such as War in the Pocket and 08th MS Team and move on to Zeta if you're so inclined.
  13. Man, so much hate for classic anime the past few posts... Guess I'll add to it. Just finished Galaxy Express 999 Eternal Fantasy. 4/10 What a letdown after the first two movies, which I think I watched 10+ years ago. Things were "ok" up until the non-ending and now I'm just mad.
  14. Sweet! Hope I get to check this out at some point. I never saw the original, but hopefully there are cool cocktail ideas in this one.
  15. Just finished re-watching Metropolis (the anime version). Still enjoyable! Great music.
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