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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. K I'll start with u Gimme $500
  2. A client of mine passed away. The last time I saw him he didn't seem well but I didn't think much of it, thought it was just a cold or flu or something and he would get better with some rest. I didn't alert anyone else to his condition when I should have. I feel really shitty about the whole thing, and not just because of maybe losing my job.
  3. Most of the job apps I've been looking at don't ask about if you've been fired. They do ask why you left but I figure for that I can just say the job wasn't a good fit or something (which is true). I'm at a non-profit now and mainly looking at other non-profit places. I meant more like, I already figured my direct supervisor isn't going to be good for a reference and I understand that that's okay. There are other people I know at this agency who have supervisor roles who aren't directly over me and so would have no reason to know the details about this. I feel like I have a good relationship with them and was considering using them as references. But if I were to get fired, I'm sure they'd find out pretty quickly (especially if I'm calling them from my personal phone to request a reference). How would I explain what happened and still get a reference?
  4. I was planning on it anyway. Already sent a few applications in but no interviews yet. I don't know if giving notice would help at all. They sent me home today after talking to me, said they'll call me tomorrow and let me know when to come in so they can talk again, either to terminate me or discipline in some other way. I have enough saved up that I can go a few months without getting any income, and I may be able to get unemployment according to the union rep, which would help a bit. Still not sure what to do about references.
  5. I have one. For now. Technically. Hopefully that continues. I want a new job but need to keep making money. Oh man what am I gonna do if I get fired. What do I put on applications? Can I use other people from the agency who I worked with but not directly enough that they'd know details as references even though they'll question why I'm gone all of a sudden?
  6. Oh. Well I got called into a meeting today with HR, my supervisor, and a Union rep. So....
  7. I hope that's the case. I mean I did want a new job anyway and had even started actively searching. But I still need money in the mean time.
  8. I mean I did want a new job anyway.
  9. No. Don't think so anyway. What makes you think you're getting fired?
  10. Can I move in with u if I pay for the internet bill
  11. I pay $64.99 for 150 mbps u jelly?
  12. How much do u pay a month for that
  13. But when it's too cold you can always pile on more blankets. If it's too warm you can't really do much once u take off all ur clothes.
  14. Now it's getting too warm. Probably because I'm right next to the vent. Oh well I'm going to bed soon time to turn it down to 65.
  15. Fuck that. Turn down the temp and give her a blanket.
  16. That's what I have it set to when the a/c is on
  17. I set mine to 65 when I sleep. I don't like to wear long sleeved shirts so I usually just wear a short-sleeved shirt or cami when I'm chilling at home.
  18. 69? Look at Mr. Moneybags over here who can afford his gas bill with his heat set to 69.
  19. I fixed it it's warm again yay
  20. I'm gonna freeze to death
  21. I'm hoping to get a lot because I don't make much to begin with and I need to pay bills and save for a better car and pay off my student loans and shit. In other words I'm gonna use my refund for paying student loans to pay my student loans.
  22. I just did the math and I paid almost $800 in interest on my student loans and am gonna get like, all of it back on my tax returns. $$$$$
  23. That's reason enough to call off work, right? Well I should have left for work by now so I hope so.
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