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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Shut up dad
  2. Or is it
  3. They asked me to re-write it.
  4. By special do u mean unemployed?
  5. I thought u were What good r u then
  6. But it's my Friday because I'm off Tuesday and Wednesday Yay
  7. How long does it take?
  8. No That reminds me, I need to make my daily complain-about-work thread
  9. But I bit my finger just now and it doesn't taste like apple
  10. Does that mean I'm part apple.
  11. He's a good cat that's what kinda cat he is.
  12. Naraku 4656 posts a day about getting fired maybe but maybe not.
  13. So then you'll get held in contempt twice. Good plan. They cancel each other out, right.
  14. I thought u were getting fired or something. I could totally stay at my job for a while longer if I could have it on a traditional schedule. My hours aren't the only thing I dislike but it's my least favorite thing and I think I could deal with the other shit if I could have my job in a Monday - Friday 9-5 with all weekends and holidays off type of deal. But I never will. At this point I'm willing to take just about any job that pays about the same as I get now as long as it's on a traditional schedule.
  15. No I meant I wish I were 92 pounds.
  16. My job's OK but I hate my hours and I might need to shoot myself in the fucking face if I have to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  17. I will because I need money but I will also keep applying for new jobs.
  18. If u look at time in reverse, u can see me liking it more every day.
  19. He's my sex slave not my roommate.
  20. My job that I go to in order to make currency.
  21. I wish.
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