I haven't been in a Dollar store for almost 3 years. We have so many in our area placed closely by other stores that it just defeats the purpose of really going into one. I mean, you have Dollar General and Dollar store right in front of each other on one street. While, O'reilly's auto parts and Autozone are just a few steps away. O'reilly's right in a more convenient location. Save-a-Lot also sits right near the corner where these stores all coincide, so... what's the point? And shock me horrors, down the street there are two more Dollar stores!
Yeah, they all have different prices and stocks of items. But, if I need a can of Gunk Engine Degreaser and WD-40, which store am I more likely to go into?
Dollar General has a better variety of stationery, to me. Whenever I'd need to stock up on things for a semester, General Dollah is where my $30 would go. I could easily beat campus prices plus tax with Dollar General.