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Everything posted by Syon

  1. Super interesting show. You can really tell Genndy is wearing his influences on his sleeve here. Lots of Tezuka and Popeye/classic cartoon looking character designs. Immediately deconstructing the body snatcher angle is also a very meta choice. Show is new enough for me to wanna watch a marathon too. Good stuff.
  2. I haven't read the original comics for the Dark Knight Returns, but I find the internal politics of it to be really... all over the place? The first movie clearly has a bone to pick with the youth, but the second movie is extremely critical of the Reagan administration. There's a lot more there as well, but both movies kind of come across as the ranting of a bitter old man, and I'm not sure if that's because we're following the perspective of the film or Bruce Wayne. They're pretty wacky films, though. Fun stuff.
  3. What really sets KonoSuba apart is that it's basically It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Everyone is so terrible of a person that you can't help but be charmed by their continued descent into degeneracy.
  4. I am completely 100% serious. It's my full time job now.
  5. Always feels like discovering ancient artifacts whenever Moltar-era content is unearthed. There's a shocking amount of lost Toonami media out there.
  6. If they involve late night phone calls and alcohol, the odds are pretty high.
  7. I write visual novels about the National Parks as anime girls now.
  8. I'm really bummed to see Ballmastrz leave before finishing its run, but Assassination Classroom has been long overdue imo. It was one of the first shows Funi did a SimulDub of and I think it would have suited the block. Plague 2020 has been a good excuse to go back to some stuff that got looked over or didn't get the Toonami treatment originally.
  9. I was drifting in and out of consciousness during this episode. There were times where I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or watching the show. Wasn't expecting Lupin to supply me with my weekly hallucinatory experience.
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