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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. What's the first rule of just about any gameboy rpg? Talk to EVERYONE...
  2. Rick reveals that Morty functions as a brain wave camouflage. I was just realizing that this was foreshadowed upon in the pilot when the effects of the mega seeds affected Morty's intelligence, which was why Rick was acting so obtuse and weird as compared to other scenes in that and other episodes where he seems more lucid. He had to adjust his thinking to maintain the camouflage, which was probably a pain in the ass more than anything. Also, so as not to upset Jerry's insecurities about his intelligence.
  3. Let's see, though... as far as actual gifts I got some clothes, a backpack, a wall mounted guitar stand, $80 and a bunch of useless crap I'm not going to keep. Pretty generic stuff. My Christmas season in general, however, was not...
  4. ... dude I was joking
  5. I think my sisters would kill me >_>
  6. I just spent Christmas with my siblings kids... They cry for no reason... they don't just stop....
  7. I try
  8. I'm sorry, but I lol'd ...
  9. I can't afford vaping. lol
  10. It's not worth it. At the end of the day I need something better...
  11. I thought your quote thingy said "Smell like you mean it"
  12. It's the only reason we do anything anymore, I guess...
  13. The media wants you to think he's alive with all these mall santa impersonators, but he's been dead since 2004. Open your eyes, bro...
  14. Why do we need to make Santa into a bad guy when we already have Krampus?
  15. My deceased uncle did the same thing... He wasn't my favourite though.
  16. I've been tempted ever since I got to my Mom's for Christmas. No smokers at my Dad's place so that leg was easy... If I can just hold out it'll sink in....
  17. Nothing I couldn't have stolen myself.
  18. No idea. I'm waiting on my niece to get back from the doctors because she fell on her head last night crawling around on grammas bed and woke up still crying about it. Her mom is a big baby who can't cope her way out of a wet paper bag because all she does about her problems is complain until someone else does something so that's what her kid does. She'll be fine which is what the doctors are going to say for at least a couple hundred bucks. If it were my kid, A: 90% certain she wouldn't have fallen off of anywhere, B: if she did she would stop crying about it after the worst of the pain was gone, and C: I look great in virtually everything I put on. I got family for Christmas...
  19. Scoff if you want. I'm stocked up on egg nog and tinsel for the the next six years if I ration it out. You wait until the Yuletide principle collapses! Then who'll be crying incessantly in their mother's smelly basement with two cats who never go outside...
  20. Skynet basically IS Krampus, right?
  21. SANTA is officially DEAD, and 3D Christmas will be obsolete within 20 years.
  22. It WAS the sidewalk chalk! How could I be so blind...
  23. Exterminate... holiday cheer...
  24. Jawesome
  25. So, we can say what we want and post what we want and we're not moving again? >_>
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