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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Word the fuck up, baby.
  2. Very specific but true.
  3. Guys this was a fail. We can move on
  4. Right. I fucking love that he took a shot at those pretentious fucks
  5. Please don't take me seriously. I said meat deets.
  6. Doug fucks! Love that dude
  7. Gotta post details. I'm invested in this shit now. Need to know the meat deets
  8. You indecisive af. Dudes got you all mixed up. Lol wouldn't it suck if yall hit it off and his dick game turned out to be trash
  9. Well damn girl just get that free bud😂
  10. Right its almost like he wanted them to know he meant it
  11. If you're cool with what yall got going the fuck it, but if you're not maybe you should ask him if he's into you 🤷🏽‍♂️
  12. Are you waiting/expecting for him to make a move?
  13. I mean political differences can be ignored.... I mean it depends on the situation. Like if he was big time into trump I imagine that might dry you up. But idk after the allepo thing, and Gary Johnson being goofy af I was turned off the libertarian party. How many dates have yall been on?
  14. Is there anything about him you don't like? What are you're deal breakers? Gotta be honest I never thought I'd hear about a dude that goes to Cal and loves camo
  15. That was included. I posted the link in this thread
  16. I'm teaching her how to manipulate men with her hands BACK OFF 💪🏿
  17. Sounds like dates bruh. Remember pressure
  18. Facts but idk it wasn't what he said it was more how he said it. Lol he meant that shit
  19. I have but in what I saw I never saw him flat out go at their necks like he did this year. Dude went for the kill.
  20. That was a very sweet first date Protip if you start slow with a hand job apply gentle pressure to his balls as he's about to cum and you'll have him fucking hooked. Gentle pressure tho and use your whole hand. The pressures gotta be evenly distributed.
  21. I'm sure they knew but I can't imagine they knew he'd got that far lol
  22. he's eh to me. Writing is pretty decent but he kinda goes for the low hanging fruit
  23. I'm still just figuring it out. Lol I'm having to memorize all these passages and they all look so damn similar lol I swear thats the hardest part of this game. Just knowing where you're going
  24. I mean I cant just go up in someones house lol I did stay and listen for a minute mostly because I was stunned at what was said. It died down after like two minutes. Really hope no cats were harmed
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