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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I seldom record my sets. thing is, when I perform I have a near photographic memory of the crowds reaction. Pretty much as soon as I walk off stage I start thinking about everything that happened. What worked and what didn't work. I focus mainly on what needs to be improved upon. Things I can change and jokes that flat out need to go. I only test material at open mics though. Shows only get proven stuff. So to answer your question, constantly. Sometimes I'm even too hard on myself admittedly. I could have an amazing set but I'll focus on one joke in my set that didn't do so hot instead of acknowledging that I had a great set overall.
  2. Lolol thank you that's a neat ass compliment!
  3. Lol all that info is alleged. I've heard several things from different people. A lot of the shit about my dad is made up because I don't know much haha
  4. I mean the minor key is a derivation of the major. It's the flat notes that make it sound sad. That's honestly my best answer. Never said my answers would be correct. Community college grad over here, bro.
  5. Nature of the notes bro.
  6. Ok. I'm ready and willing to send you a vid. You actually want to see?
  7. Well you win this thread
  8. I was actually too grossed out to try the food because the mens bathroom toilet was filled with shit.
  9. Ok I'm freaking out now. This is crazy. What's fucked up is my eyes itch rn. You're like a scientist. A scientist who knows a lot of shit about a lot of shit. Like you know so much shit. Then again I was educated in Alabama so maybe I'm just really fucking stupid. That's probably it.
  10. That is so fucking horrible! How tf do you get them besides from other people? Holy fuck just reading that made me cringe.
  11. Lmao crusty bitch πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ That's ass because the only good thing about an STD is the sex you have to get it. I didn't even know scabies was a real thing. I always thought it was like a phrase lol
  12. I've been very fortunate to never have an std but now that I'm a D list comedian it might be time. Herpes is for the A listers
  13. Thank you! And I know. I'm still reeling from that fucking event for that guy that died. That shit was aaaassssssss lol
  14. No lol. I contemplated it but this place didn't look reputable. It was honestly kinda sketch. Cool place, but sketch. Maybe next time I can get both types of crabs. Fuck it. It's temporary.
  15. The Baltimore house. Come down. I'm not on stage anymore so you'll have a great time πŸ˜‚
  16. Because I don't want to burn material on here, and even if I posted a video of me murdering people would just talk shit anyway and say I'm trash regardless so it kinda doesn't matter lol. But you don't want to see video of tonight. It was ten minutes of decent laughs then ten minutes of polite chortles. They just stopped paying attention after the first half of my set. TLDR: I can dm you video if you really want to see it.
  17. No. I actually would have welcomed it though so I could slit my damn wristsπŸ˜‚
  18. or don't. Nobody cares.
  19. Update That moment when u have a piece of shit mother... u turn into a piece of shit. Sorry not sorry. The plot thickens!
  20. Oh this isn't on my timeline. These are his own statuses
  21. I am lol I'm really hoping nothing bad happens tho
  22. 13 minutes ago he posted a status: I'm so over the disrespect. Who the hell do u think u are. U would be nothing without me.. then 8 minutes ago: I've stayed quiet long enough Then just now: Watch....just watch ummmm what do?!
  23. My fucking thread got packed
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