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Everything posted by King_TICCore

  1. Maybe I should post something.
  2. Not even a bit, my friend. Not even a bit.
  3. Don't worry. You never had any to begin with.
  4. At least you posted a something worth looking at.
  5. If only you could follow your personal rules when it came to eating healthy and showering, eh? The only time my life is low hanging fruit is when I lower my nuts to t-bag your face.
  6. Easily. So very easily. They're weak.
  7. Like the fruitcake your in-laws send you for Christmas?
  8. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone I know accomplishing such a feat. You go to dating sites to make yourself look as good as possible to a potential prospect, right? So how? ...
  9. That's the spirit!
  10. Yes.
  11. Outside with you! No! Bad!
  12. THICC https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--TNaRp133--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/ixgcsrg6ciaarj6cwlu8.jpg[/img]
  13. King_TICCore


  14. I wonder if your partner knows how you disparage trans people who bravely participate in porn-films just to taunt someone. Tsk tsk.
  15. Make sure you watch passed the first two episodes.
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