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Everything posted by King_TICCore

  1. That clip represents how I feel about all of you here. I just want to... BAM! Right in the Hooballahs!
  2. It was either a six year old or a goat...
  3. Purgatory girl? Is that the sister of Hell boy?
  4. Not really... most of you would get along well with Muhammad. He liked children, you like children. Does it matter that his were real and yours are cartoons?
  5. You aren't people. You're decommissioned Microsoft AI programs that have malfunctioned.
  6. Is that funny? Apparently you subscribe to the Amy Schumer school of humor.
  7. Everything I say is worth reading, you mong.
  8. Mildly annoying. Someone is clearly a fan of Harvey Weinstein based on how quickly my last thread disappeared.
  9. Why did you remove that thread? It was great!
  10. I am not pleased.
  11. Gordon got him to eat bull penis.
  12. You're a donkey.
  13. It's overcooked.
  14. Not the clever writing and compelling characters... more along the lines of the incest and floppy weiners.
  15. No, I think it's cranberry sauce... or ketchup. Who really knows.
  16. If you were on Iron Chef...
  17. I am pretty great, yes.
  18. Don't we all.
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