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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. some of the other cannibinoids get you high. not just THC so i am unaware of what this is
  2. what is it? im serious i dont know what does this mean in english? does it fuck you up?
  3. if i had that kind of money id buy it and eat a fucking mouthful just to see what the fuck this is
  4. this guys got a $760 bottle of cbc's, cbgs, cbn, cbd... what the fuck like fuck
  5. last time i saw her she was 2 days old.
  6. im not sure
  7. to fill in the _________.
  8. i love people that i can trust and understand because i trust and understand them
  9. if the squirrel is old enough, i will reason with him
  10. questions are interrogatory statements
  11. he knows it is better than it seems
  12. about a dozen
  13. there is no such thing as a stupid question you stupid questioner
  14. remember walkin down the hard path to follow when i was eternally young
  15. i never said i would be honest.
  16. everyone has their moments
  17. the entire DSM-V
  18. for the most part it will remain what it already is
  19. please ask questions in question form.
  20. they shuld do away instain mother who kill their babby
  21. go ahead i dare ya!
  22. i didnt get perma'd either 1 week
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