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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. i come from the land of yiss roll
  2. i seriously forgot how to say Israel
  3. there ya go. world saved. *chews doublemint*
  4. that lives in the body and infects the human with anti-cancer, and the human produces its own cancer cells that fight the anti-cancer to stay alive.
  5. no youre right its just really hard to imagine theyd even care about the concept of love, seems stupid but you dont mean the same kind of woman i do. you mean some one you can still respect as a person, but you probably still dont want to marry a hooker sometimes peoples choices limit who will trust them again in the future
  6. sh-e-e-e-e li-i-i-i-i-kes, short ones and long ones and fat ones and thin ones, cute ones and big ones and odd ones and sick ones, but do you recall, her most favorite penis of all...
  7. murder the homo-erectus, to ruin god's plan.
  8. so what i am getting, is the thick vast plains of milkweed are disappearing and so that means the monarch is also losing habitat
  9. so you are a monarch "activist"... i wasnt sure if they are endangered ....i found this https://www.fws.gov/savethemonarch/SSA.html so its still being considered if its possible to protect them as an endangered species under federal law, but its not federal law yet until maybe in 2019, according to this... i remember years that had hundreds of butterflies and i remember years with none, so i would guess either migration routes sometimes change, or theres just less of them around in general.
  10. an ostrich has more personality than my ex-wife
  11. i want to breed ostriches
  12. it makes you a butterfly breeder?
  13. mafia is like the pope, if it can see past you, it knows more... its a hierarchy of insight and understanding that separates important shit from bullshit and just immediately executes. its not a plan or a secret, more like a part of a dream.
  14. because 9 out of ten felons i heard about when i lived over there have been in jail for stealing food. they all steal from there and get away with selling the seafood black market style cheaper than the store price, after they make enough profit to live on parole for a year or two, and then get suddenly get reported for robbery and go back to prison so obvious that the price of lobster is more important than the law to enough customers to actually live that way, right? +1 for lobster
  15. could you honestly love a hooker? ...at the wedding vows "i love thee, sucker of more cocks then trees spread wide in the forest, and like your legs of orgasmic devotion, breathing stale life into my heart until death do us part..."
  16. of love for money and you see the beauty. do you return in your heart and call it real love, even though its cheap and paid for?
  17. said the indian boy. his strong and brave warrior father takes the boy by the shoulder and points outside. he says, "son when your sister was born, i looked outside this tee-pee, and saw a flying eagle, so i named her "flying eagle." the boy said, "how did brother get his name?" father says, "when your brother was born, i looked outside this tee-pee, and saw a crazy bull, so i named him "crazy bull." father says: "why do you ask me this question, two-coyotes fucking?"
  18. yep. onward and blonde ward
  19. i have no idea. why? do you think of the human spirit as perfection of self? i thought we all naturally agreed we have all made mistakes or have imperfections.
  20. however awful we are there are always those of us with hope for a better future.
  21. no, the thing i was telling you was its cool to own a giant majestic horse, even though it was only a moment but there just happened to be a story i already told ASMB so i did a thread about it instead of a shitpost about horses
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