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Everything posted by Invida

  1. Weird likes to smoosh into the right kind of another weird and they often smooshily mate for life. I joined this board almost a year ago because I wanted to snoop on everybody and see how you guys were doing. <.<
  2. Me too. I flopped down so hard on this couch about three years ago that I haven't been able to move away from it much since.
  3. With feet! This brain picture has been painted with feet. But whose? Not mine. Maybe yours. Can I see? One time I got a pack of Christmas cards in the mail and the pictures were painted by the feet of people who ain't got arms. Sweet, really. And impressive! I can't paint with anything on my body. I don't know why I'm saying any of this.
  4. Not much. I haven't posted on a message board in five thousand years. I desperately need to go to the bathroom, but I can't because as soon as I do my Amazon package will come. My husband fed the cat by plopping the jellied meat on the floor next to the bowl and I'm plotting revenge for myself and my foot that now smells funny. ....What's up with you?
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