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Everything posted by Kohikki

  1. This one is a classic. - "Euphoria"/RahXephon Excellent editing without too many tricks - "With A Little Help From My Friends"/Cowboy Bebop
  2. So whoa those last few eps...
  3. Well, there is Max for straight characters, but after last week's episode I'm pretty sure he's 100% going to die. (If they don't kill him I'd be amazed, they put all the hallmarks of "This man is going to die soon" in that episode)
  4. @ NYC: as the most represented city in fiction, you're going to have to live with some errors. Hell, my hometown (and surrounding areas) have been represented in media less times than I could count on my hands in any significant way and they still manage to get it wrong.
  5. Banana Fish is shaping up to be one of the best anime I've seen in a decade. If they can keep this momentum, this will absolutely be a top favorite for me for sure. I'm surprised to see how well the translation of moving it to the present day vs. the 80s worked out, also. I absolutely love the art style and the designs.
  6. Yeah!! I wasn't sure what to expect from it but I ended up really loving it, I'm excited for season 2 and hoping some of the guest characters return.
  7. The Mulan idea would be interesting, I would only steer away from it just because Mulan is based on a legendary woman and part of Chinese history. I'm all for swapping things up but stories based on legends that are empowering to people who already get very limited representation from Disney (and a lot of western media in general) should maybe be left as is. That being said, adding in a gay character anywhere as long as they're decently written and not just added to fill a quota (like the le fou thing) is always appreciated.
  8. Fine, Cogsworth is gay and Lumiere is bisexual then Not that whats established from the animated movie really matters though- considering that they're bound to change at least a good handful of established things from the animated film regardless.
  9. Still don't really get why they picked Le Fou when Cogsworth and Lumiere are literally right there? Like Disney, you already had the perfect set up for your gay characters?
  10. Has anyone watched much on here? Relevant to folks here who may remember it, it currently has Garth Marenghi's' Darkplace, which aired on [adult swim] for a period of time, but so far the real stars of the streaming service to me, at least. Are My Brother, My Brother, And Me (Three brothers from the long running podcast of the same name, attempt to help answer questions sent in by listeners through kind of bizarre means) (You may also recognize Griffin and Justin from various Youtube series from Polygon, or all three from the D&D podcast, The Adventure Zone) If you're curious about the nature of the show, SeeSo has an episode up on Youtube for free and a couple other clips, but more than anything if you think you might want to watch it, check out this clip from episode 2, which is one of my favourite bits from the whole series. and HarmonQuest (Dan Harmon of course, being one of the people who brought you Rick and Morty. Really good, partially animated, if you like D&D at all, super fun to watch, but just super fun regardless.) HarmonQuest has episode 1 up on Youtube from SeeSo for free as well of these two shows in particular, I'm a huge fan, MBMBAM being the reason why I signed up for the service in the first place, and from all the times I've rewatched it, definitely worth it imo. Anyone else watch these shows? Any suggestions for other shows worthwhile on SeeSo? (Not sure how this new board is with illegal streams of things but regardless all links provided above are legal as they're hosted by the streaming service's official account)
  11. Oh hell yes I am all about catching up with that. Also life got in the way I feel like, when I stopped reading and then when i was ready to pick it back up the ASMB had gone all wacky on me (dying and that, you know) Re: Jojo - That sounds good. [as] is still on the first... series? Arc? of that, right? I know there's like a million different series or arcs of it with different characters/plot lines (??)
  12. Oh shit, Samurai Jack returns tomorrow huh?? Good timing on my part, I guess. I keep forgetting when things are supposed to air. I wanted to see that one. Also hi again.
  13. Hi, I can't believe this thread is still going I should tell Trunks, if he doesn't already know. I doubt he'd come back, but I think he'd get a kick out of it, regardless. What's good on [as] anime-wise that I should watch btw? (Is Jojo too far along for me to get into it?)
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