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Everything posted by fullmetal_pirate

  1. I’m touched that you all missed me so much 😂
  2. Are they batting with dildos or batting at dildos? Inquiring minds.
  3. Then it wouldn’t leak on its undies.
  4. My son got caught doing it in a public bathroom at a park. Twice. I wanted to smack him into next week.
  5. I can only be one or the other. Legally.
  6. Cbd oil.
  7. That’s really a bizarre sibling rivalry.
  8. I am become death.
  9. Hi there! How goes it?
  10. Yea well....I’m here to briefly funk things up.
  11. That’s such an accurate description of me it’s crazy ♥️
  12. Yep. Me. Again.
  13. Well, I’m bored pretty much all the time.
  14. I noticed. I thought I was blending into the background but you found me anyway.
  15. Thank you!
  16. Oh I had my day in ib. I was one of the shit disturbers.
  17. Because I miss everybody.
  18. That’s ok, I’ve been around almost since the beginning , and I never know what anyone is talking about either.
  19. Not only did I not vote for ted. Run, but there is no reality in which I would....and I don’t think I ever discussed politics on the asmb anyway.
  20. Asked about me? In what way?
  21. I’m not even the same person I was back on the boards. I think that place brought out the worst of me, lol.
  22. Well, I’m Angel, nice to meet you
  23. Then you’ve probably seen me and him argue over politics.
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