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Dr. MrsGirlfriend

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  1. Oh I know, I was just giving Scoob a hard time to continue the "fuck the patriarchy" theme. My piss poor attempt at humor. I definitely keep Sponges in line. But only on things that matter to me. You guys have had him longer than I have and created that monster. I just reel it in when he steps away from that keyboard. Unless him and my dad are together. Those 2 become like a smartass duo and are absolutely insufferable. Ugh, the terrible jokes that just are non stop, cringeworthy.
  2. I've thankfully been paying mine for past 4 years and worked at a non profit then the university. So I hope at least for the public servant rule to change from 10 to 5 years. I thankfully don't have as many loans as most people do but it would still be nice.
  3. Oh really? Is that so? Please mansplain my own husband to me some more.... Fucking patriarchy...
  4. I wish I could go to the thread again and get more detail/examples. But with just one quick skim read off Sponges phone I don't really have a leg to stand on.
  5. I can relate to feeling the weather in your knees/back. Sadly, the slightest changes completely fuck mine up. But that is more due to permanent horse related injuries. I got a random spam call the other day leaving a message about forgiving part of my school loans. I actually had to ask my younger coworker if he thought it was legit. In my defense, with all the talk about Biden forgiving loans and I work at a university (government agency) I was really hoping I would qualify finally. He just Google the number and laughed at me.
  6. I wish there was a fucking teaser already. They are probably going to be shady and just hold it all and then bombard with ads about 6ish months before release.
  7. As for the Bucket thing, I haven't been in here enough/long time to know the further details behind this. Buuuuttt I will say this: In your guys defense - yeah, the options mentioned and ideas he had were a little overboard. In his defense - no matter who it was, I have a hard time telling my husband not to give a shit about a person. Unless they are directly causing him pain or distress; I think it is a good trait to want better for someone or concern for their safety.
  8. Just the man trying to bring me down. Fuck the patriarchy.
  9. I have been apparently summoned somewhere on here. Granted I can't see it as my access to dumpster fires was removed. The mods, they giveth and taketh...
  10. Since you are no longer a Facebooker I figured the next best place to show you how I love you and plan to play jokes on you for the rest of our days. @SwimModSponges
  11. Abso-fucking-lutely. I don't know how many more times I have to say it. You think I let him sit on here all day with you fools out of the goodness of my heart? Ha! No, it's cuz he eats pussy like a fucking champion. Honestly, learning how to eat puss very well will make you (male or female) the fuxking Cesar Milan of women in most cases.
  12. I hope to one day go to an actual Con. Not just the dinky anime ones that have randomly popped up near here.
  13. Finally got a photo.... boutfuckintime Seeing this I have a feeling I may cry with joy come Sept 2022. Sponges says: oh hey! Well here's hoping it's good. My lifelong Tolkien love: at $465mil for season 1 it better fucking be or I will burn Amazon to the ground. @katt_goddess (Sponges instructed me to do this so you'll pin it)
  14. You can thank his upbringing for that one, not a pussy whipped reaction. If anything I get mad at him for apologizing for everything. My family has actually pushed him to be more outspoken. My mom within first 6 months of us dating: "just tell her to fuck off!". Hell when him and my dad are together it is insufferable, two smartass peas in a pod.
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