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  1. //> ps3 hdmi digital download ./
  2. //> i have a bench planter from my shed im going to give her with good soil , i have a plan for the garden ./
  3. //> but its my medicine :sad Nazi emoji: ./
  4. //> it's the soil she had a few good years then the hurricane sandy hit and destroyed a fence charcoal grill and glass table all over her garden and hasn't produced since , shes trying a sprout planter but due to weather cant plant them yet , she also has hot peppers and chili pepper sprouts ./
  5. //> marijuana leads to antisemitism ./
  6. //> i saw that shooting story after i saw that photo from my local news site ./
  7. wagz

    HAPPY 420

    //> im what you might call a ''DABBING MADMAN'' ./
  8. wagz

    HAPPY 420

    //> dabs./
  9. //> i suppose, the worse thing to happen at my work was a trailer outside full of cheese exploded ./
  10. //> nah empathy for the animals and nature and old world appreciation ./
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