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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. It wouldn't matter if they had quintillions of dollars. They STILL end up doing whatever makes the most economic sense.
  2. They can use the foundation or take a very unnecessary gamble. A corporation will always do whatever comes with great certainty.
  3. Transitioning is what Ranma Saotome does. That humanoid character is non existent, right along side its particular ability. There are certain frogs in reality that can transition. Humans can not.
  4. Who ya gonna call? Ghost BUSTERS! Nah, seriously, the patrons just wanted the fires out. They didn't care who showed up for it.
  5. It's a tax loophole that doubles as pr. Similar to all the good works of the Ronald McDonald House. Do good works and get free positive publicity.
  6. We had ABC extinguishers available. I was instructed in the use of them, but was also ordered not to use them on small matters like trash cans. They were for bigger fires and fortunately, it never came to that.
  7. That's the pr, as well. "Look at us, we're getting all charitable over here."
  8. Smoking is allowed on New Jersey gaming floors and I was the "go to" guy when a trash can was burning. I had five minutes to reach a restaurant or service bar, obtain a five gallon bucket of water, and race across the floor to douse it. Nobody called the fire department or even security. That was my job alone. If I had failed, the fires would have spread to the carpets, the furniture, and the games. So, I have experience dealing with that shit.
  9. The Exxon Foundation is a tax deductible charity that the corporation runs.
  10. It's a box that receives internet services by way of a cell phone signal and converts it to WiFi.
  11. Part of Queens is New York's second Chinatown.
  12. Do I look like I'm in their board room? Whatever they're doing is making money for them, not dumping money down an empty hole.
  13. Something that actually raises the bottom line by a significant amount.
  14. Wireless internet with WiFi. The old phone cables in this place won't support DSL.
  15. At least it's not a food desert.
  16. They have pr moves that are much more cost effective.
  17. Because only one is their business. The other is Hollywood's job.
  18. Look at what Exxon is doing right now. Are they paying fiction writers or digging up fossil fuels? Now, look up Standard Oil... and Esso. Were they involved in this conspiracy to destroy the global atmosphere? You keep asking me for "proof", but all I'm getting from you is one solitary article that has been regurgitated by a hundred media outlets and it's all based on here say from some disgruntled former employees with an axe to grind.
  19. The proof is that Exxon isn't in the business of fiction. That's Hollywood's department. Their motto is, "We dig it up, you burn it." That's as far as they ever wanted to carry it and it's been that way ever since Standard Oil was a thing. It will never change.
  20. I said that Exxon had more cost effective pr moves than paying tree huggers to write stories. My guess is that the "studies" had never taken place at all and so there's nothing to bury.
  21. Does that even matter? Here's the part where you start naming a few, right?
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