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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. So, why are the toothpaste and deodorant kept in a locked case?
  2. Beef. Turkey turns white when roasted.
  3. Here's how it's done
  4. Is that plate a vintage Limoges?
  5. Mostly gluttonous behavior.
  6. Certainly do. Mixed bag every Thanksgiving. Friends, family and even the reverend.
  7. Actually, I was out somewhere participating in Thanksgiving type activities.
  8. Is that what was going on before the income tax was instituted and tariffs funded the entirety of the federal government?
  9. Meeting an unexpected circumstances is not a failure. All he did was back out of a bad deal.
  10. That's not what I said. I can't account for your reading comprehension. When you sign a loan and you have all of the necessary income to meet the payments, it is NOT the same as signing a loan with payments that exceed your income.
  11. Oh? How is any different from when somebody takes out a car loan and gets laid off three months after the papers are signed? That's not failure in either case. That's hitting an unforseen circumstance. Trump didn't get the customer base he was expecting and that's all there was to it. Try agsin.
  12. Who ran me out of job?
  13. And? He sold those places, which is what any sensible person in that predicament would do.
  14. Really? Was that before or after he sold them?
  15. Why does that even matter? Trump didn't own shit in this town after Icahn bought it all out. Trump actually had to sue that pig for using the brand while not maintaining the properties according to the contractual agreement to renting the brand. All Icahn ever did was cut services, strip the buildings down and let them fall to a level of structural decay that made them unsafe. Then, a union ran him out of town. The real people to talk to about this are the union leadership, not anybody's half baked blog.
  16. Carry on...
  17. ????????????????????????????????????
  18. Nope. It was 100% Carl Icahn, who merely rented the brand from Trump.
  19. First, they have to figure out who to sting. It's not a guy with leopard skin car seats or a purple zoot suit.
  20. Currently there is taxation, whether the income is from work or not. A person can be set and still pay the tax.
  21. So? Either way, Trump was not the owner.
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