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Everything posted by smiradenius
Bully for you. Do you have any more farts to spray?
And this ads nothing of any value. Bravo.
Well... Looky here... If I tell Ai to draw a face, it's not going to randomly select from the twelve or thirteen billion portraits that clog the web, and hand it to me. That's not how Ai works. What I'm getting is an approximation, based on data that had been programmed into it by the software engineer on the subject of what a basic face should look like in terms of such things as where the eyes should be in relation to the nose and ears, or the general shape of a pair of lips. This is the real reason that sometimes, there are flubs in the result, such as two noses. It knows the minimum basics, but has a difficulty in making variations when told to do so. Therefore, this clown is a one of a kind original, made by the Ai, with some input from me. It's very much the same as when I pay a live artist at a convention to draw or sketch something for me. In either case, I am not the true artist. I'm simply supplying an idea or concept, and having it brought to a visual depiction. The only thing original or creative on my part is the idea.
Pepper steak from a Chinese take out place.
Well, you're pretty good, Old Son... but sit down on that chair right there and let me show you how it's done! Fire on the mountain, run boy run!
Great... somebody sends up a random Ai shot of whoever that's supposed to be, most likely somebody who doesn't even exist and then tries to tie it to me just because she's fat or whatever the defect is perceived to be. That shows the low IQ quality of people haunting these boards.
Bottom line it. Am I supposedly associated with that picture or something?
That picture is not in the bedroom post. Try again.
It's not anybody I know and she's not famous. Google Image Search draws a blank.
It's a lady, snoring.
The saggy, rumbling floors are what this builder is trying to prevent.
How is mine any different? The wavy lines don't have tips? So, I guess what you're really looking for is whether this is an LED or an LSD, which would make you correct. But that wasn't your original point.
Who is moving that goal post, now? You said, "Oh well that evidence doesn't count because it's printed in a book that a student was using."
By the way, these search results show what a natural bridge looks like and there are NONE in my bedroom post. They are columns and structures that STILL don't match anything in a sci fi novel. https://www.google.com/search?q=natural+bridge+state+park&sca_esv=bfdfbc021b8553a9&sxsrf=ADLYWIJmwVixv-HpGNvTDmBmHi3jMFsosg:1732483823869&source=hp&ei=75pDZ5G1M5zOkPIPj7bSSQ&oq=nat&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciA25hdCoCCAAyBBAjGCcyCBAAGIAEGLEDMggQABiABBixAzIIEAAYgAQYsQMyBRAAGIAESPsWUOwIWIMQcAB4AJABAJgBpQGgAacEqgEDMC40uAEByAEA-AEBmAIEoALiBKgCBcICBxAjGCcY6gLCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAZgDtgGSBwMwLjSgB-MV&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&udm=2 Probably not even in all your quintillions of books.
Show me one.
The LED there is PRECISELY what I drew. This is focused on the LED, not the entire circuit. Did you or did you not claim that under no circumstances do wavy lines appear above an LED? Thanks for playing.
Certainly not Katt from this board.
How is that even relevant? I'm not talking to you. That's for Katt to answer.
One of these has just gone on its way as joss paper. The ghost might need it.
I take it you prefer saggy floors that rumble when you walk on them.
Tadaaa... https://www.chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/consider-circuit-led-powered-5-v-dc-voltage-assume-led-ltl-4263-lite-led-provided-ee-230-l-q111778098 So, every single time you post anything in my threads, regardless of the subject, you are going to see this url, fish slapping you.
Oh, and didn't I just tell you, repeatedly, that the arrows or wavy lines are to distinguish between an LED and a diode? Now, you're parroting it back to me and c claiming that's YOUR statement. Pathetic.
Stfu. There is MORE than one way to draw the symbols and they will in fact have slight variations from one region to the next. Since you are so hopelessly obsessed with the notion that there can be only one, just because you Googled something and got one specific result shows that you're not an engineer at all and you don't know any more than I do on the subject. Okay. Show me the circle in here. Tell me whether the circuit is open or closed. http://cmra.rec.ri.cmu.edu/products/electronicsv2/basic_components/what_is_an_led/2/ext1.html