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Everything posted by c_pokey

  1. Di Gi Charat Natsuyasumi Special
  2. Golden Boy eps 1-3. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to get around to this classic.
  3. Di Gi Charat Ohanami Special 1 + 2
  4. Di Gi Charat Christmas Special
  5. Coming off of a nasty Phantasy Star Online addiction playing on the Ephinea private server. Now I'm back into Final Fantasy XI retail and playing FFXIV on my Steam Deck. I'm sick in the mind.
  6. I've always loved this side project by Ulrich Schnauss. I guess this would be like ambient dnb, idk. Wish I knew more stuff like this.
  7. this is so sick, ty
  8. I’m hoping this is the best place to ask this. has anyone archived all of the old asmb avatars? i’d love to take a gander at them.
  9. Excel Saga ep. 2
  10. Sweet. That’s a nice change of pace. I wonder if they’ll continue to rotate the twofers.
  11. currently playing Metroid Prime in an emulator that supports mouse and keyboard controls so it can be played like a proper fps. it rules.
  12. howdy. i posted on asmb in the mid-2000s under the same sn. mainly in babbling/the metal head thread. can't wait to be posting with y'all. peace.
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