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Everything posted by NaBraniel

  1. In late 2015 they didn't do one because things were pretty dead by then I guess, so I made a thread in IB titled "Orificial Tearbook Award Winners" where I just made up the categories and winners and somehow that still caused drama because some people thought it was real and came in hot like "Oh REALLY, Biggest Drama Queen?? This is what y'all think of me?!?! Funk all you wet garbage bags right into the sun!"
  2. They replaced the og lithium boards with the infinite scroll board in mid-January 2016 (after promising an archive which never happened), and then they did away with it altogether a couple weeks or so after the 2016 election. Probably right before Thanksgiving if I had to guess. I remember that the node board was still around ~10-14 days after the election because it was just long enough to be funny how certain people completely disappeared when Trump won, after they spent all of 2016 logging in every single day adamantly opining and forecasting about how the election would go, and then *poof* they were gone. And then so were we all. Thankfully luuv already had this board set up, or we might not be celebrating this anniversary today.
  3. @neverkeepchangin11 get the HECK in here, Mr. F And bring back BringBackFuturama, with Futurama once again being brought back it's just too perfect.
  4. Henry Kissinger's birthday is the same date as the ASMB-versary...? I don't know what to do with this information right now, but it's definitely getting filed away under "auspicious setups dying for a punchline"
  6. Fact : The thing is I definitely don't! Just very lucky somehow. Fact : I always liked your IB posts about environmental sustainability and the Venus Project, and have long admired your passion and persistence in bringing up this very important issue in the non-conducive face of smiley indifferents, boaping shoehands and artisan cheeses. Fact : For the uninitiated -- Anyone can fact about anything~!
  7. Or, ahh, you know.... Americans?
  8. I miss when people loved to post. Nobody posts anymore, what's up with that? All everybody does now is private group chat, eat hot chip, and "Like." Don't "Like" my posts, post at me and tell me how you feel goddamnit I blame YouTube. I still remember when it first started getting big in the mid-2000's and a lot of posts on the board went from text conveying original thoughts to just sharing YouTube links. Like wow, a hyper link to a grainy video of the "Mighty Max" opening theme that my dial-up connection doesn't respect me enough to load before bedtime, thanks for degrading the forum by pasting that url instead of actually posting. And then, of course, came the """"memes""""...
  9. Action Discussion all day when I first joined, then IB around the time AD became GA(Y)D and I realized I didn't actually like anime as much as everyone else there seemed to, then the sixpod when I realized I was a jerk.
  10. Fact : These were always my favorite threads. Fact : I always spaced around the semicolon. Fact : The fact thread is where I originally met the person I live with. Fact : We were in high school then, now we're in our 30's. Fact : My favorite person from the ASMB, and now my favorite person irl. Fact : Very happy.
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