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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Can u painta me a winnie da pooh?
  2. I mean, in the long run of things it's better for your health. lol
  3. I don't know I'm not a person as you know. lol I'm numb so there's that.
  4. thats actually a good night, I usually just get anxiety watching something on youtube and netflix. lol
  5. Then I'll be the first to admit you keep a vital thread in this forums alive, anyone who doesn't remember these threads isn't worthy of your greatness.
  6. my party frand <3 How you doing on teh inside?
  7. Thank you blueraven for repoasting this thread
  8. I hate how they hide songs to download illegally for free these days. They keep hiding shit, damn you google! lol
  9. BWAHAHAHAH I wish people could read my dam mind!!! I really do, I'm such an average bitch lol
  10. I'm working on my second bottle of wine tonight with a healthy dose of marjuana thc HOW YOU DOING? LOL
  11. At heart, I'm such a literal square, don't know how to be anything else. lol
  12. Googling random shit on google? Idk, things are better in forum if it's a good forum yet?
  13. When you an Oakland A's fan and still love this vid.
  14. Want to party with me? Want to hang out with me?
  15. I mean they are legalizing weed, but drugs won't solve your problems, if fact they are why I lost friends. I'd just stick to the ones they are making legal to be honest. And also, a knew appreciation for the strong people in your life, because they can teach you how to be strong too.
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