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  1. I'm surprised nobody has posted this, yet. Only says "Coming Soon" towards the end, so I'm not sure if there's a concrete release date set.
  2. Peace be w/ you, brother.
  3. I used to help a lady in my neighborhood with stuff around the house. She has a lot of medical conditions, so I would help her clean and do yardwork for her. We convinced her son to move here to help out a few months ago but I still pop by from time to time to see how she's doing.
  4. Mr. Pickles is not one of my favorite shows. Too tryhard edgy if you ask me. I think the animators did this commercial for Liquid Death water, though. It looks very similar.
  5. That's nice of you to help out. Do you know if the tenant is receiving professional help for the underlying mental issues, though? Because if not, the place will just get cluttered up again in no time.
  6. You can be quite the firecracker sometimes. 😜
  7. That's not an unlikely theory. Though, to be fair, I've lost my cool and flown off the handle several times. I've read several posts where it's implied that Pat is annoyed at the amount of reports that he gets, one post where he specifically labels me as "toxic", and I can't help but notice that Duckboy doesn't seem to be as active since seemingly getting his prize. But, hey, who knows. That's the trouble w/ radio silence; you're left to infer a lot of things on your own.
  8. You are a king among men.
  9. Hey. Michael had a rough life. He earned the right to buy whatever skeletons he wanted.
  10. Oof. Those can't be good for your health.
  11. Sounds like a potential warning sign for hoarding disorder.
  12. Kinda like in that movie w/ Justin Timberlake 'In Time' or whatever. He gets ahold of millions of years and gives his working-class friend a bunch of time and he spends it all at the bar and drinks himself to death. Sad but believable.
  13. The timeline is a little fuzzy for me. I have some vague memory of being pretty wasted in Discord one night, and I stopped going there because of some argument. I've tried reading back through older threads but it's just confusing and embarrassing.
  14. I honestly don't even remember what the big deal is/was, it was so long ago. All I know is that I was doing just fine on my last account, Pat banned me out of nowhere and I haven't really bothered too much since then. I mean it's been the better part of a year since Mortir was banned, and before that I was doing just fine for the majority of last year.
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