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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. my parents told me a long time ago that we're made of sand
  2. is he a british girl
  3. no heretics allowed
  4. my underscores showed up weirdly
  5. we cant see an_ferret threads
  6. is this character arc of you being gay legit?
  7. is it just a multiplayer game? i read about it when it was just barely in development, and wasn't that interested in it, hopefully it comes along well , adam sessler's involved and i love him.
  8. even in this feel i am alone thanks need to buy a noose now
  9. old bane memes pretty much sum up the state of quebecelegy atm
  10. have you listened to bleach in utero is the most filler filled album to me, but even that wasn't filler. all of their albums were ok. overplayed yes, but still good. kurt's singing was unique, not really bad. his songwriting was admireable as well. i can understand people saying they're overrated, but nirvana's not a bad band. far better than the dadrock that came before them, and objectively trash tier bands that came afterwards.
  11. now if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t shirt then ima feel like an asshole
  12. only reason i even bother to shave is when i look in the mirror and realize a trail of cookie crumbs is forming on my face
  13. i cant answer that as of right now
  14. im officialy actually going to see my absolute favorite band next month. i could just swoon
  15. best time of the year
  16. i dont even know what im gonna do today let alone october
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