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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. it gets kinda hot and i like showing off my body tbh.
  2. sure, long as nothing weird happens if you catch my drift.
  3. haha, got any pointers?
  4. girl who owns the cafe i stopped by.
  5. i didn't try any door feelsbad.
  6. i don't remember blatch during this period 11-12, i remember him from toonami mostly 2013-onwards i think.
  7. was it rukiasoul, cause i gotta be honest i had a crush on her too.
  8. i know there were a lot of them at one point, but the only ones i remember right now are lilshonenbat/bait and farnsworth.
  9. i could knock jason demarco right the fuck out, i'm tellin ya.
  10. how close were you to furrydom when you still watched mlp
  11. 02 is a better character than most of you guys here's favorites.
  12. that's a pretty snazzy tie. would't wear it with blue though.
  13. it's @Doom Metal Alchemist
  14. i would think he's probably being friendly, but i'd wonder if that doesn't get tiring for him all day. i could understand being annoyed by it though. was there a specific thing he said to you?
  15. is he worried you're sick with some other things or something?
  16. i'll be more careful next time ; )
  17. She'll make ya breakfast She'll make ya toast But she don't use butter And she don't use cheese She don't use jelly Or any of these She uses Vaseline
  18. can we get him a custom rank
  19. slow down there big guy, this thread isn't the place for a confrontation between two individuals of our caliber.
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